Dr. Ray Raven is a renowned orthopedic surgeon with diverse experience and a rich history of impactful contributions to the medical field. With subspecialty training in hand and upper extremity surgery and sports medicine, he belongs to a select group of surgeons nationwide. Triple board certified in Orthopedic Surgery, Surgery of the Hand, and orthopedic Sports Medicine.
Delivering quality health care with more than 60,000 patient encounters each year in the group's clinic, rehabilitation center and ambulatory center
Chief Executive Office
and Managing Partner OSS Health Network
Chairman and Chief
Visionary OfficerCalifornia MSK MSO
Managing DirectorGlendale Surgical Center
Chief Executive Officer
and Managing Partner
Dupuytren’s disease is an abnormal thickening of the fascia, the tissue just beneath the skin of the palm. It often starts with firm lumps in the palm. Gradually, these lumps may grow into firm cords stretching from the palm into the fingers, potentially causing the fingers to bend into the palm. While the cause of Dupuytren’s disease is unknown, it's more common in men over age 40 and in people of Northern European descent.
Symptoms of Dupuytren’s disease usually include a small lump or series of lumps and pits within the palm, which are generally firm and adherent to the skin. Over time, a cord may develop, extending from the palm into one or more fingers, with the ring and little fingers most commonly affected.
Dr. Raven provides Medical-Legal services to the medical and legal communities for select cases
18370 Burbank Blvd.
Suite 100
Tarzana, CA 91356
Click here for driving directions